Since the start of the crisis and lockdown, the CJD has mobilised
strongly. An association that puts people at the heart of its approach: the women
and men who make up our association have been our priority.
Some are directly affected by the crisis as they are affected by, or have
relatives affected by, Coronavirus. All carry on their shoulders the
responsibility of protecting their employees, while navigating the sometimes confusing injunctions to opening their business. For our members, solidarity arrangements (active listening by a third party, discussion group) have existed for several years to help them deal with the difficulties of their status as leaders.
To answer their questions, and like many other networks,
we provided them with a toolbox with the main texts and
practical information sheets to enable them to access to the information
relating to them when faced with a multitude of sources.
We then thought of all the French entrepreneurs facing this
unprecedented crisis. We wanted to provide them all,
members or not, with the main information, deciphered as quickly as
possible. In the situation we are experiencing, each association has its role,
regardless of its scale. Solidarity is one of the values that we must,
now more than ever, put front and centre.