CEOs and executives


CJD Countries


CEOs and executives outside France


Entrepreneurs trained at the CJD

Our role, our missions

The CJD International is a dynamic association representing JDs all around the world. Its aim is to provide member countries with CJD tools, promote training and exchanges, and forge international development links.

The CJD’s ambition throughout the world is to speak out for business leaders who work every day for a more human, more responsible economy, and for the emergence of more respectful behaviors for future generations.

CJD International brings together 16 CJD countries in 5 geographical areas :

West Africa, Europe, Maghreb, Indian Ocean and North America.

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Contribute to global peace

Facilitate economic cooperation by encouraging mutual understanding between entrepreneurs from different cultures.


 Have a positive impact on society

Contribute significantly to the resolution of global issues such as climate change, economic inequality, access to education and health, by mobilising the resources of CJDI members. Encourage future generations of entrepreneurs to adopt responsible and sustainable practices.



Become the leading global platform where JDs and responsible entrepreneurs connect, share knowledge, exchange ideas and collaborate on international projects.


Influence civil society and institutions. Gather around the CJD’s values to have political, economic and commercial influence on an international scale by advocating an environment favourable to entrepreneurship and by relying on former international JDs.

Support countries in their development 

The CJDI is a governance and support body. By providing tools, helping to organize events and trainings, the CJDI helps countries perpetuate the movement and animate the network.

Broaden the scope of the movement:

Expand CJDI’s presence in new countries and regions of the world by attracting a growing number of JD and entrepreneurs.