What is your profesional and personal background in 4 or 5 key dates ?

2004 : Change of life following a personal accident : I fell from a tree and became a paraplegic.

2009 : Experimentation for me and my company 

2013 : President CJD Section

2016 : National Disability Delegate CJD France

What are your current functions and activities ?

Business leader / Professional coach – Trainer – Consultant – Speaker – Creator of Encounters with oneself and one’s environment – team cohesion – Collective Intelligence – FACIL training and participation in the international COMEX for the integration and development of COPILs for the world’s JDs.

Since when and in what way does the International CJD enrich you on a daily basis ?

The last two-three years have been a bit special with the CJD. It helps me to experiment, for myself and for my company.

What does international experience bring you to your vision and management style ?

Diversity, discovery of other cultures (including professional ones), richness of human profiles