Who are you ?

I’m Fodé Momo Bangoura: Managing Director of Clinique CIBA et Associés and co-manager of other structures operating in the fields of HR and Training, Agriculture, Renewable Energy. I’ve been a JD since 2015, President of the Guinea from 2017-2019 and Referent since the start of the current term, and I’m also a Value and Performance and VISA Animator.

What is your role as regional referent ?

Mainly to strengthen links between the countries in my region and with the international office.

Encourage and facilitate communication between countries, encourage synergies of action.

Encourage synergies of action.

Facilitate the organization of joint events and, above all, help deploy the priorities of the mandate.

Why is this essential to relations with CJD’s country ?

The position of Regional Referent has proved to be quite interesting for the presidents of the different sections, as it has enabled them to have a link between themselves in the first instance, but also to have the possibility of exchanging information more optimally with the international office. This office function gives the sections the opportunity to exchange ideas between section presidents, through occasional meetings. As a result, some countries are taking steps to enhance their section’s performance.

What are your current goals and projects ?

In the medium term, this will mainly involve :

  1. Helping the sections in my region to make the transition from section president to national president, and to set up new sections in their various countries, as they are all single-section.
  2. Help set up sections in : Benin, Burkina and Cameroon.
  3. Create links between these three countries to share actions such as: training, sharing of best practices, plenary sessions, etc.

What’s special about your region (in terms of CJD, Culture, etc.)?

The three countries have different levels of performance, depending on how long they have been members of the CJD, and reducing this gap is a common desire of the Presidents. This is made all the easier by the fact that these countries share borders and a culture with strong similarities. This makes circulation easier and less costly.

What do you enjoy most about your job as regional referent?

My main reason for joining the CJD was to break my isolation, and my role as Referent has accentuated this quest by opening me up to new people, cultures, visions and new types of extraordinary entrepreneurs.